Executive coaching to suit your company and employee needs

Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching at Jessica Martin CoachingA programme commissioned by employers for high-potential middle and senior management employees to support them to excel in their roles and achieve, or even over-achieve, their annual objectives.

Working with employees on a one-one basis in a confidential and unbiased environment to allow employees to feel comfortable to share their personal and professional aspirations and also their concerns and barriers.

We work through these in a systemised manner to bring alignment between professional and personal goals. High motivation to succeed at work becomes the outcome which is both good for the individual and good for business.

Benefits for the organisation:

  • Keeps employee goals and objectives live throughout the year, not just at objective-setting time
  •  A professional and consistent method of coaching delivery across the organisation
  • Results oriented
  • Measurable – annual appraisal and employee/ line manager feedback
  • Supports succession planning by identifying talent

Benefits for employees:

Meaningful conversations about objectives to;

– Break down goals into manageable tasks

R – Identify and overcome obstacles

O – Brainstorm action areas, and

W – Set realistic deadlines

  • Safe environment – confidential, objective, non-judgemental
  • Accountability and feedback mechanism
  • Realistic and manageable milestones
  • Ownership – increased motivation and ambition
  • Increased chances of successful annual appraisal with minimal surprises

Are you looking for help with your business or thinking of changing career?

Contact me on

07976 129758